Why Choose A Direct Chill POU Water Cooler?

We are confident that a Borg & Overström watercooler is the most logical, environmental, and price efficient choice. What makes us so sure?
They have a secret weapon, it's called Direct Chill. The Direct Chill system utilises advanced cooling technology to ensure your water is both hygienic and fresh. Many water systems chill water gradually over time, and store it in a container. The Direct Chill system takes water directly from the supply source, and chills it in a coil on its way to the dispenser faucet. This ensures your water is fresh, and reduces the impurity levels in your water. But don't just take our word for it, in this blog we will discuss exactly how the Direct Chill system works, and why we are so proud of it.
How it works
The cornerstone of the Direct Chill system is the Direct Chill coolant coil. This nifty device uses environmentally friendly R134a gas to chill to a sub zero temperature. The use of R134a is highly energy efficient, and cuts the energy consumption of your watercooler dramatically. The coolant coil is situated in an insulated Direct Chill tank, which is filled with water. You'd be forgiven for thinking that this is where your drinking water comes from, but this chilled water merely serves as a temperature regulator. The fresh filtered drinking water is situated in an entirely sealed pipe that passes through this chilled tank. It progresses through a seven metre chilling coil and out to the dispense faucet, to provide you with fresh, chilled, and filtered drinking water.
The benefits
With bottle top watercoolers, the drinking water is stored over time in an exposed reservoir, creating an ideal environment for bacterial growth. This reservoir often develops a biofilm, which is a coating of microbial matter, which can enter your watercooler. The sealed drinking water pipe used within the Direct Chill system ensures that your water is transported directly from the source to the dispense faucet, greatly reducing the chances of contamination and impurity in your drinking water. The Direct Chill systems have been designed with easy to use, soft touch buttons. Not only is this quick and simple for dispense purposes, but it also ensures that hands are kept away from the faucet itself, to further increase the hygienic protection of the system.
We know that using a Direct Chill dispense system is easier and more energy efficient than a bottle top watercooler, but there are also logistical reasons why the Direct Chill system is the logical choice. Anyone who has had to install and maintain a bottle top cooler will know the painful, and potentially injury inducing, chore of replacing the giant water bottle that sits atop of the device. This process also allows for potential spillages, not ideal within an office location. With a direct chill system, water flows directly from the source, meaning that no bottles are required which also reduces your plastic waste.
Using a Direct Chill dispense system not only cuts down on the storage space needed for the bottles, but also saves you a great deal of money. If you’re utilising a bottle top cooler, which uses around one bottle weekly, you’ll be spending around £338.00 per year on bottles alone (Cool Coolers, calculated 15/02/17). The Natural Resources Defence Council estimate that 90% of the price you pay for these bottles contributes to bottling, packaging, shipping, marketing, and retailing, with only 10% of the price covering the cost of the water itself. With a POU dispenser supplying you with filtered and fresh water directly from your source, the price is significantly reduced.
We sell Direct Chill versions of all the Borg & Overstrom ranges including the B2, B3, B4, B5 & F4.
View our different Direct Chill Ranges here:
Direct Chill & Ambient water dispensers
Direct Chill & Hot water dispensers
Direct Chill, Ambient & Hot water dispensers